Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Picture References

If you click on the picture it will take you to the web page I got it from.

Ethical and Social Issues About Habitat Destruction

Many people disagree with deforestation. They think its wrong that company's cut down healthy trees. They believe that they should cut down trees that are dying because not very many animals are living in dying trees. They also think that it would benefit the area because than the dying trees are removed and can be replaced by trees that will be healthy.

People also believe that urbanization is causing more damage than it should be. The air and water becomes much more polluted, noise gets very loud (which can disturb the animals still living there), and much of the sewage is left untreated (which can infect the surrounding water).

Grade 5 Science

Examples of Habitat Destruction

Global warming is an example of habitat destruction. The glaciers are melting and are causing damage to the habitats surrounding them. They slide downwards and break apart much of the land. The picture below shows what can be done. The land has been separated, leaving it fractured.

Another example of habitat destruction is deforestation. All the trees in one area are cut making the animals move to another habitat and adapting to it. This means that one habitat will become over populated and may lead to habitat destruction in that area.

The following video is a great example of habitat loss.

There are many examples of habitat destruction and these are just two of them. Habitat destruction is a dominos effect. When one habitat is removed animals are forced to another which may make that habitat over populated, and over population can lead to habitat destruction. So then more and more habitat destruction will occur.
Grade 8 Science

Uses of Different Types of Habitat Destruction

Habitat destruction is a bad thing but is caused because things are needed. Deforestation was first used for fire wood. They would cut down the trees into logs small enough for fires. Now a days it is used for everyday items such as paper and furniture. Urbanization is needed because our population is becoming so big that we need to expand into other habitats. The bad part about urbanization is that other animals are losing their homes and are having to go to other habitats they are not accustom too. Forest fires also have uses, when some forest areas are dying a forest fire will be lit so the they can get rid of the trees. Though sometimes the fires can get extremly out of hand and can cause more damage than expected.


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

History of Habitat Destruction

Habitat destruction has been occuring for a very long time, and has gradually increased. It made a huge increase in the late 1900's and is on a rapid pace up. Many things such as new buildings or highways have caused this steady increase. Back in the mid 1700's over population of certain species caused habitat destruction. These species became to powerful and overtook land that wasn't theirs.


Definition and Description of Habitat Destruction

Habitat destruction is a process were changes in one area causes the already existing habitat in that area to be removed and replaced by other habitats.

Habitat destruction is the primary threat to the world's biodiverstiy. It alters or eliminates conditions animals and plants need to survive. Habitat destruction can be caused by many things. Urbanization, deforestation, and forest fires are the biggest causes. At some points in time over population of a species can be a cause.

Urbanization is when human infrastructures take over habitats already obtained by other animals. Deforestation is when all the trees in an area are cut down and removed.
Forest Fires are uncontrollable fires in a forest or area like such.
